It's a flex shaft with a Phillips #2 head, connected to the carburetor. It could be dangling because the mount is wire junk.
You can adjust the idle on your Polaris 90 by turning the adjustment screw on the side of the fuel pump. Turn the adjustment screw to the left to increase the idle speed.
if the air to fuel mixture, or the jets are not correct it will not idle until warmed up or not idle at all. or the choke could have something wrong with it. try cleaning the carb and adjusting the idle screw located on the side of the carburetor and if that isn't the problem then it might need re-jetted
Locate the drain screw on the right of the transmission. Drain oil. Replace screw, then go to the left side and unscrew the fill screw and use a funnel to fill with Polaris tranny oil until its full to the screw hole.
between 500/750 depends on where the idle screw is set
If the Polaris 50 Scrambler only runs for about five seconds and shuts off, it could be a problem with the idle setting. This type of ATV has an adjustment screw on the carburetor for turning the idle up. This should fix the problem.
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There is also an adjustment, on my Sportsman 450, on the cable near the throttle. Pull rubber boot back.
Set idle speed to proper r.p.m, by adjusting the IDLE SPEED SCREW. Turn the IDLE MIXTURE SCREW or the AIR SCREW to for correct procedure, achieve highest speed and best response. The IDLE MIXTURE SCREW (FCR) controls fuel delivery to the idle port and the SCREW is located on the engine side of the carburetor slide. Turning the IDLE MIXTURE SCREW out will make idle and off-idle richer. Turning IDLE MIXTURE SCREW (CR, PWK, PJ, PE) controls the amount of air to the IDLE and SLOW CIRCUIT. This SCREW is located on the air cleaner side of the throttle slide and turning the SCREW out will lean the mixture and turning the SCREW in (clockwise) will richen the mixture.
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Idle is computer controlled, no adjustment screw.Idle is computer controlled, no adjustment screw.
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