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"Find the VIN number stamped on your frame.

The VIN is located on the front part of your bike just below the bars."

"COUNT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT 10 CHARACTERS. Compare the 10th character of your VIN with the chart below.

If your 10th digit is a "V", look at the chart and find "V".

Your bike is a 1997.

If your 10th digit is a "3", look at the chart and find "3".

Your bike is a 2003"

(complete chart and bike vin/year and part interchange info can be found at:

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Q: Where can you look up a dirt bike vin?
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I just bought a dirt bike. No papers came with it. It says DR on the seat. Where is the vin to tell year and make.?

well if you just bought a bike with no papers... and the VIN number isn't on the shock... looks like you just bought a stolen bike brother. my oldest brother bought a stolen bike (he didnt know it was stolen at the time) one time and it was dirt cheap. but i would recommend looking up alternative spots to where the VIN number would be.

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A dirt bike can be able to go up a kids slide

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what pipe? what dirt bike? what blaster? what year of dirt bike? what year of blaster? if they match up the same, yes. If they dont match up no.

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Look at the frame for a sticker that will say the year OR find the VIN number stamped on the neck of the bike frame - it is 17 digits. One of the letters (not a number) in the VIN is the YEAR CODE. look up on net for a VIN DECODER and run the VIN. it will tell you the year OR bring VIN into a Yamaha dealer they will tell you

How do you find out what bike you have?

well on some dirtbikes it has it copied on the side of the front stock wich is the part of the frame just above the front mudgaurd (behind where a headlight would normally be) or you can also check the engine model number(usually locted directly under the carby on the motor) and compare it on the manufactuers website, if not then check the dirt bike manual

Where is the VIN number on a Suzuki Intruder?

The VIN is stamped on the frame, up on the steering neck on the right side. It is also found on a sticker on the left side of the rear swingarm, but this is often removed by owners looking to clean up the look of their bike.

How do you find if dirt bike is 2 stroke or 4 stroke in the VIN?

Rev it up if it has a screaming high picked sound it's a 2 stroke. If it's a deep sound it's a 4 stroke

What features should someone look for when purchasing dirt bike tires?

When purchasing a dirt bike it is important to look at certain features, whether the bike is set up for more hard or soft terrain, the engine size, what upgrade are available, what time of customized parts are available like grips, pedals and exhausts. Also a good feature to look at is whether or not is has elevated tread blocks.

What is dirt bikes top speed?

Well it really depends on what size of dirt bike you get. For example: if you get a 50cc bike it will mabe go 20mph, but if you get a 450 it could go from 50 to 60 mph. so to get a definite answer go to your dirt bike companies website, and look at the bikes facts.

What do you do if your dirt bike is stuck?

you pick it up and continue riding it.

How do you run a dirt bike?

Sit on it, start it up and ride it.

Where can I look up my motorcycle vin number?

You can look up your vin on your car or online. It is a sticker located on the door of your car, or there are also vin lookup sites you can register with.