Not for some time. Jimmie Johnson has just won his fifth consecutive championship, he is not looking to leave.
Jimmie Johnson was born on September 17, 1975.
Only Jimmie Johnson knows the answer to that question.
Jimmie Johnson is still alive and racing.
The Jimmie Johnson Fan Club website through Lowe's Racing.
Jimmie Johnson has been driving in the Nascar Cup Series full time from 2002-2013. In 2001, he only ran three races.
Jimmie Johnson's spotter is Earl Barban.
Jimmie Johnson is married to Chandra Janway.
Jimmie Johnson is married to Chandra Janway.
No, Jimmie Johnson is not dead, he is still alive today.
Jimmie Johnson's hometown is El Cajon, California.
Jimmie Johnson has won once at Bristol. Jimmie Johnson is not as good at short tracks as he is at long tracks. He has finished in the top 5 at Bristol 6 times and 11 times in the top 10. He is the best stock car driver in the world and I definitely have to say he is phenomenal in Nascar. He is the one that makes Nascar so good. If he wasn't racing, there wouldn't be history with 5 championships in a row.
Jimmie Johnson is married to Chandra Janway.