All vin numbers are 17 digits, that is on any vehicle manufactured 1981 or later. If this is all of your vin number, you will have to contact an Arctic Cat dealer to help you on this one. No way of decoding an older vin number.
07 the 10th didget is always the year of any vin. number reading left to right
With the serial number that you have supplied,your serial number dates to the year 1948.
No serial number = no answer.
The year of manufacture for serial number 1821238 is 1952.
What year is a Parker Shotgun Serial number 126212
2003 FIS 500 4x4 AUTOMATIC MRP (GRN) there is one number inccorect in your vin, but I won't write it here.
Your serial number reads 01537pw153.the 2 letters in your serial number(pw) stand for the year 1984.That is the year of your shotguns production.
What year is a Winchester Model 74 Serial 354097A. Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1941,with the serial number 106,782.The serial number 354097A was made at the end of the year in 1953.
Your serial number indicates that it was made in the year 1992.
Your serial number indicates that it was made in the year 1980.
What year is serial number JAB0139091