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Q: What winner of both the Winston and Nextel Cup has the nickname Smoke?
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Related questions

Why do people smoke Winston cigarettes over other brands?

People smoke Winston cigarettes over other brands because of popularity, Winston cigarettes are very popular. Winston cigarettes are so popular because they are said to be safer to smoke because they have no additives.

Are there famous people that smoke?

Winston Churchill did

Did Randy Rhoads Smoke?

Yes he did! Randy smoked Winston's.

What brand of cigarettes did they smoke in the movie Grease?

I'm pretty sure they were Camels. That's what most greasers smoke.

What did the prime minister of britain in 1942 like to smoke?

Sir Winston Churchill.

How did frenchie get her nickname?

From the way she french inhaled her cigarette smoke.

What brand of cigarettes did Fred Flintstone smoke in the animated series?

"Winston" brand cigarettes .

Why did Winston churchill smoke?

Winston Churchill Was Such A Passionate Smoker, He Asked That His Oxygen Mask For High Altitude Flights Be Customized To Fit A Cigar ARTICLESINSTANT ARTICLES

The nickname for the city of London?

The Square Mile or just 'The City'. It also used to be referred to as 'The Smoke' or 'The Big Smoke.'

What Did Winston Churchill Smoke?

I do not know if he smoked a particular brand exclusively, but I do know he did smoke Vegas Robaina Cigars.

Nickname for London?

There are a variety of nicknames for London. Some of these include The Smoke or the Big Smoke, The Swinging City, Reykjavik, The great Wen, as well as London Town.

What city in Britain has nickname The Smoke?

There is no British city exactly called "The Smoke".London in England, Britain, is nicknamed "The Big Smoke", in a reference to the Great Fire of London.These British cites have the nickname "Big Smoke" in reference to their Victorian industrial image where the skylines were polluted with coal smog:Belfast (Northern Ireland)Glasgow (Scotland)Manchester (England)