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It depends if you got caught. If you did not get pulled over, nothing will happen but you should not continue doing it. If you got pulled over by an officer there is a good chance that you got a ticket, which you will have a fine for and will have to attend a court date.

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Nothing, unless the police stop you.

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Q: What will happen if you went over 8 miles over the speed limit?
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What happens when your thirty miles per hour over the speed limit?

your driving at 30 miles per hour over the speed limit.

How many miles can you drive over the speed limit in Texas?

You can drive what ever speed you want but if you are over the limit, you may be arrested.

How many miles can you drive over speed limit?

usually 10 percent of the speed limit plus 2 mph.

How much time would you save going 11 miles per hour over the speed limit for a distance of 20 miles?

That depends on how much the speed limit is.

What would happen if you speed?

You would probably be chased by a cop, especially if you are over the speed limit.

When you get a speeding ticket in Minnesota at how many miles over the limit does it get reported to your insurance?

1 mph over the speed limit. The insurance company will get the information regardless of the speed.

What will a ticket cost in Shelbyville Illinois going 38 mniles over the speed limit?

38 miles over the speed limit in Shelbyville, Illinois what will the cost of the ticket be?

How many miles can you go over the speed limit?

Legally... zero. At three to five over, you may not be likely to be pulled over and cited, but that doesn't mean it can't happen - I've seen, for example, Raleigh PD pull over and cite people for going two to three mph over. The moment you exceed the speed limit, you're in violation.

How many points for going 6 miles over speed limit in Pennsylvania?


How many points is 14 miles over the speed limit in Michigan?

three points

How much will it cost for over speeding in California?

Depends on how much over the speed limit you go. About 150.00 at 10 miles over the speed limit plus the cost of traffic school. You will get a notice in the mail telling you how much and how to pay it. As the speed goes up so does the fees.

How many points do you get in pa for going 20 miles over the speed limit?

4 points.