

What was usains first race?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What was usains first race?
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Usain St. Leo Bolt thts his name yall! <3

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The lightning bolt sdfjsakl;dsfajsfe;fa;sd/a;'dfka;'df

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a running race.

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The United States of America was first in the "Space Race" which was a race to see which country would be first to land on the moon.

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The Soviet Union was the first to achieve significant milestones in the space race, including launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957, and sending the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space in 1961.

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The first car race in the U.S. was in 1895. It was a 54 mile race and the first place winner won 2,000 dollars. The first place winner of the race averaged 7.3 miles per hour.

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'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' Yacht Race First Race - 1899 was released on: USA: October 1899

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