I dont know if anyone invented it, but ever since automobiles have been invented they have been racing each other. Rally racing is, technically, the first ever event, it just didn't called that until later, after other types of racing were made (I.e.NASCAR).
It doesn't appear Peter ever obtains a rally car.
A 1895 Peugeot
If you look right back, his first World Rally Championship Event was in a Citroen Saxo S1600 (Junior Championship) BUT his first proper World Rally Car was the Citroen Xsara WRC
As much as you wait to pay for one. A rally car can be a normal everyday family car, and you can make it into a rally car depending on how much money you have. You don't need certain parts for a rally car, but they all help.
Rental car rally was created in 2008.
Subaru, a Japanese car manufacturer, produces the Impreza. The Impreza was first designed and used as a race-ready rally car for the Subaru World Rally Team.
A rally track is a dirt course with bumps and sometimes obstacles to dodge around. You are usually in a 'rally car' which is a modified car.
The leading online retailer of rally car parts is the website Rally Sport Direct. The website offers all the parts one needs to fix any problem on any rally car.
WRC or World Rally Championship.
User #1 (Craig): I have Colin McRae Rally 2005.
Jeff Gordon flipped over for the first time in 20 years in stock car racing in the 2012 Budweiser Shootout, but he has flipped in a rally car (as a passenger to Marcus Gronholm). Click on the link below to see the flip in Nascar.
A rally car looks like an everyday car but with safety features inside, stickers, and sometimes fancy paint jobs and bumper-lights.