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Q: What was alonso ojeda achievements?
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When did Alonso de Ojeda die?

Alonso de Ojeda died in 1515.

When was Alonso de Ojeda born?

Alonso de Ojeda was born in 1468.

What year was Columbia discovered?

Alonso de Ojeda in 1499.

Who explored the northeast of South America?

Alonso de Ojeda ventured the northeast coast of South America. He was a Spanish conquistador.

Who was Columbia named after?

Columbia was named after Christopher Columbus, but the first person to actually set foot on the land was Alonso de Ojeda.

What has the author Froylan Ojeda written?

Froylan Ojeda has written: 'Froylan Ojeda'

What were early explorations of Aruba?

Aruba became part of the New World in August 1499. Alonso de Ojeda [c. 1466-1515] came across the island while exploring nearby Venezuela. Ojeda was accompanied by Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci [March 9, 1454-February 22, 1512] and Spanish cartographer Juan de la Cosa [c. 1460-1509]. The story is told that the Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda gave the name of Oro Hubo ['gold there'] to the island of Aruba in 1499. Spain never found Aruba's gold but colonized the strategic island for almost 140 years.

What is the birth name of Curri Ojeda?

Curri Ojeda's birth name is Francisco Jos Ojeda Cervio.

Who discovered Colombia originally?

Alonso de Ojeda was the first to see the land that would later become Colombia and he was the first to establish a colony near present day Cartagena. He named his first colony San Sebastian.

When was Lucas Ojeda born?

Lucas Ojeda was born in 1986.

When was Santos Ojeda born?

Santos Ojeda was born in 1917.

When did Santos Ojeda die?

Santos Ojeda died in 2004.