The green flag flies at 10:00 AM and the checker flies at 10:00 PM
This is a variable number. You need to state a start or end date or time.
10:38 AM was.
It is 13 hours and 18 minutes.
The duration of an activity is the amount of time that passes from the start to the end of that activity. This can be measured in hours, minutes, seconds, or any other unit of time, depending on the context of the activity.
Except time zone changes and daylight saving time start/end dates
Answer: 4 hours 25 minutes Step-by-step explanation: Elapsed time is the amount of time used from the beginning of an event to the end of that particular event. The beginning of the event is the start time and the end is the end time. Start time= 1.35 End time= 6.00 To get the elapse time, subtract 1.35 from 6.00 and recall that 60 minutes make one hour. = 6.00 - 1.35 = 4.25 = 4 hours, 25 minutes The elapse time is 4 hours, 25 minutes.
It will start around 2:30 Tuesday morning and end either three hours later or three minutes later
i think the answer is that the start time is 1900 and the end time is 1938
add start +Elapsed = and get end time
After 9 hours after the start.
A rolling 24 hour period has indefinite start and stop times. Our Earth day is 24 hours and begins at 12:00am. A rolling 24 hour period could begin at any time during the day or night and end 24 hours later.
That sounds like a reading of the 24 hour clock: For example 1800 = 18 hundred hours = 6pm in 12 hour clock. In the 24 hour clock, the time is the number of hours and minutes since the start of the day. When the time is an exact hour, it is usually read n hundred hours. Thus 24 hundred hours is 24 hours since the start of the day. As there are 24 hours in a day, it represents the midnight at the end of a day, as oppose to 00:00 which represents the midnight at the start of the day. The midnight at the end of one day is the same as the midnight at the start of the next day. For example 24:00 Tuesday is the same time as 00:00 Wednesday. Normally, 00:00 would be used for midnight, but occasionally, 24:00 may be used to emphasise the end of a day; the last normal time (hour and minute) of a day would be 23:59.