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One of the first or first race in Bathurst occurred in 1905 over 3 laps of an 11 mile circuit. Starting in Durham St at the Police Baracks, running through Esrom, Eglinton onto Kelso and back to Durham St. The first mototorcycle Grand Prix of Australia was held in 1914 in the Bathurst area at the Yeltholme - Sunny Corner circuit. This circuit hosted another Grand Prix in 1915 and was used for events after WW1. By 1931 the Vale circuit also in the Bathurst area became the annual Motorcycle Racing event. This continued through to its last year 1937. In the following year, 1938 the Mount Panorama circuit was used for the annual motorcycle races. This continued until 1988 with a break for the war years with no racing after the 1940 event till the next race in 1946. Racing of motorcycles to a limited extent occurred again in 1992, 1993, and 1994 but not as the main feature races which was a 12 hour car event. Road Racing of motorcycles occurred again in a one off event in 2000.

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