The tube is used to feed the drivers water or Gatorade during the race. It can also be used to give the driver oxygen in the case of a fire.
It's on the side of the large tube coming into throttle body drivers side.
on the drivers side in a round can bleow the boost tube on the drivers side in a round can bleow the boost tube
Because the tube (hose) is defective and needs to be replaced. That tube is coming directly from the fuel filter being pumped by the fuel pump to the carburetor. Replace the tube/hose or you WILL have a major engine fire and/or huge KABOOM.
Breather tube to allow gasses to escape from the battery
call 911 and pray...
Depends ware the tube is located. Could just be over heating
lower tube coming out of evaporator (inside black thing on firewall) remove line coming from condenser. It is inside there.
SOS shes in disguise SOS shes in disguise theres a shewolf in disguise coming out coming out coming out.........find the rest on you tube
Each valve on a french horn has a specific pipe coming off of it, known as the valve tube.
pcv valve is located under exhaust manifold. Has long metal tube coming out of it. look from drivers side
they have a white egg tube coming out of them and are plump