dirtbike, for sure. but dont get a crappy trail bike. get a good race bike, even if you dont race
No we can't use 100cc 4 -stroke dirt bike race against 85cc dirt bikes.
usually on the right side on the engine, there is a kikstart. most dirtbikes dont have electric start. trail bikes do mostly but race bikes dont.
You can not change a dirt bike's VIN number. You can change the racing number by contacting the race officials.
4 years old you can race motox. (50cc class)
I have not actually ride on the dirt bike but seen the dirt bike race very closely because it held in my near by town, and yest it's really a full of excitement and adventure.
no because the dirt bike racing is a competition so you will have to have another job to sustain your income
Before race when your nervousness you can relax with playind race games like dirt bike games
yes. you mean is a race bike faster then a trail bike. ya all racebikes are faster
$500,000,000 it is crazy
The letter "f" on a dirt bike stands for fun. So not a race bike but very much the same. like the crf250f is the same as the crf250r. but then there is crf230f and the crf230L really different bikes