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I teaspoon bicarb soda per 4 litres of water.

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Q: What is the recommended dosge of bicarbonate of soda should i give my racing pigeons?
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Related questions

How much should a racing pigeon weigh?

Pigeons have different sizes and weights. A racing or homing pigeons grow up to 360 grams. Lately smaller pigeons have recorded faster speeds.

What dosage of bicarbonate of soda for racing pigeons?

The usual dosage is half a teaspoon per liter, but should stil be given with care. Sodium bicarb works as a electrolyte that helps to regulate water balance (because of the sodium) and if more than the regular dosage is given it can even dehydrate the pigeons.

What do top notch pigeons eat?

There are many opinions among pigeon keepers on what pigeons should eat. Racing pigeons tend to do best on a high-carb diet of grain, while breeding and young pigeons need plenty of additional fat.

Can sodium bicarbonate solution be used in a nebulizer?

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Are you allowed to kill wood pigeons?

Pigeons and doves can be kept in large, outdoor cages.

How do you write a propsal for sponsorship for racing?

A proposal for sponsorship for racing should include your accomplishments. This proposal should also include your intentions and what you can offer for an investment.

Do pigeons explode when you give them peanuts?

I think not, But I wish they did, as that would be a simple solution to my problem of lots of pigeons in my garden making lots of noise and pigeon poo.

Should chickens be given bicarbonate of soda?

It is not recommended to give chickens bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) as a regular supplement. While it can be used in some cases to help with digestive issues or prevent sour crop, it should not be added to their feed on a routine basis as it can disrupt their natural pH balance and lead to health problems. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for advice on proper nutrition and supplements for your chickens.

How do you entertain a racing pigeon?

According to Freud for the first 3 years of a humans life, their main source of pleasue comes from their anal membrane. This is a characteristic shared by pigeons and therfore I would advise stimulating the anus at least twice a week. It is worth noting if you do this consistently it should increase its drive and therfore it should peform better.

Should you brush with baking powder?

Baking powder and bicarbonate of soda are abrasive and should not be used to brush the teeth.

If you put racing plugs and racing oil in your carr will it make it faster?

you should have 2% to 5% more power

If someone is hypertensive should they use sodium bicarbonate for heartburn?

I suppose that this is another fantasy.