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Since Force=Mass * Acceleration; and Mass= 90kg and Acceleration = (44.7 meters/second)/(4.50 sec) = 9.93 m/sec^2 Therefore, F=MA(Gc) F=(90kg)*(9.93 m/sec^2) = 893.7 kg*m/sec^2 The gravitational constant (Gc) that allows us to relate kg mass to kg force = 9.8 m/sec^2. Therefore, (893.7kg*m/sec^2) / (9.8 m/sec^2) = 91.2 kg Force

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Q: What is the net force exerted on a 90.0 kg race-car driver while the race car is accelerating from 0 to 44.7 ms in 4.50 s?
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