Mclaren F1 VS Jaguar XJ-220
2008 SLR McLaren641 HP, EPA 11 mpg / 16 mpg SLR McLaren Research &
Nowadays, F1 ars are not aloud to stop to refuel, to at the start they are filled to the top. A typial distance of a F1 race is about 305 KM or 189.51 Miles (2dp). On average, a F1 car in a race consumes around 75L per 100KM in which if you do the math is 3.136 MPG (US) or 3.766 MPG (UK).
This varies by race car by race car. The mpg spends on the kind of track, weather conditions, tyres, and how long the race is. Some race cars are designed for high mpg. Example is that a F1 car would do around 3-4 mpg whereas some can do as much as 60 but for oblivious reasons. The average mpg usually around 3-6 MPG.
12 mpg
A Car by about 40 meters at 180 mph
F1 car has more power and it is lighter than GT1 car
Buy a CD of an F1 and play it really loud or buy an f1. There is no way, it is in the engineering.
Usually highway driving is where a car gets the most mpg.
You can rent an F1 car from The Jordan Company in the UK. You may have to cover the cost of shipping it to the US.
Seggiolino auto di F1
No but the F1 cars have a flappy paddle gearbox.
Toyota's f1 car