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The Rhythm sections or the whoop-tee-do's.

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Q: What is the hardest part of a Motocross Track?
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How far is the average motocross track?

Glen Hellen is the longst motocross track in professional racing! The track streches a good three in a half miles. Glen Hellen is the longst motocross track in professional racing! The track streches a good three in a half miles.

What is the safest track in motocross?

its not that the tracks are safe or not its how safe you ride the track

What is is motocross?

Motocross is a form of dirt bike racing that is held on a outdoor track.

When was the first race held at unadilla motocross track?


Do trail bikes do the same as a dirt bike on a track?

For the most part, no, but there are instances where trail bikes are the same as motocross models but with softer suspension, a bigger tank, a mellowed engine, and lights. These bikes can do okay on a track. However, purpose built motocross bikes are always best for the track, just as purpose built trail bikes are best for the trails.. Hope this is helpful!

Compair motocross to other sports?

Motocross is the worlds toughest sport. People think you can just sit on a bike and go but if you don't know what you are doing you can get hurt. Also motocross is the second hardest sport tour de France is the toughest.

How old do you to go to builth wells motocross practice track?


KX125 better for trails or track?

While you can trail ride a KX 125, it is better suited on a motocross track.

How was motocross originated?

people were using olden day bikes a the dirt track doing burnout and jumps then motor came to life and they started to do motocross

Is there a Motocross track in gta 4?

There isn't i don't think There isn't i don't think

What is MX?

MX stands for motocross, which is a bunch of ATVs or 2 wheelers that race on a track.

Is the crf 150r a trailbike?

No a crf 150r is not a trailbike it's a race bike for motocross but it can still be used on the trails but yet it will not handle as good as it would on a motocross track