The earlier Quadracers (85-87) have plain, dark aluminum colored frame and motor. In '88 they began to paint the frame and motor the Suzuki blue. Also, the earlier models had a 5-speed transmission, while the later ones (88-92) had a 6-speed transmission. I've also heard that the earlier model years had issues with head gaskets. The later model years had an extra bolt to help with this problem. In '92 they also changed the rear suspension in the Quadracers.
I believe it was 20:1 in the owner's manual but I think many like myself run 32:1
the answer is 304
1986 Chevrolet c10
I haven't found any.
1986 Supra was non turbo and 1987 came in turbo and non turbo.
Nothing, the GTA didn't come out until 1987.
The age difference is 1 year and 358 days.
No difference whatsoever .... zero ... nada ... zilch !
The Iroc has slightly better tires and had minor "visual" differences
Wikipedia has a great history of the ford ranger line.