When going up jump press shift and ford then press back to do a back flip.
press r and up down at the same time.
You have to go to options and select control settings and select stunt mappings and press the square button to change the trick.And you have a selection of different tricks and select body varial.
MX vs. ATV Unleashed was created on 2005-03-16.
Hold the Stunt Mod. Button, then when you first come off the ramp press UP,DOWN on the left control stick.
What game console do you have? I know for the Ps2 to do it you come up to a ramp. At the bottom of the ramp hold r1 and press Up Left(or right). I think that's how let me get back to you on this at the base of a ramp hold r1 and press left then right
MX vs ATV untamed is the latest.
On PSP Triangle and left
brokesasajoke=1,000,000 points
you cant. mx vs ATV reflex is the game that they created whips and scrubs
there is no way
the cheat to unlock everything istoolazy