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built up heat coming out engine breather tubes on the motor!

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Q: What is that steam or smoke you see coming from under monster trucks blow by?
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When is the monster high doll robecca steam coming out?

she is coming out at the end of August.

What is causing a gurgling sound and smoke coming out of the air vents?

It is not smoke. It is steam. Moisture is making the gurgling sound and moisture coming in contact with a warmer surface (the coil) is evaporating making steam.

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It is NOT smoke, it is steam. It is your warm breath freezing in the cold winter air.

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Steam not smoke. Moisture is hittting a warmer surface.

Is Monster High doll robecca steam real?

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I assume you mean smoke and water are coming from the A/C vents. I suspect you are seeing steam and coolant. You probably have a heater core leaking.I assume you mean smoke and water are coming from the A/C vents. I suspect you are seeing steam and coolant. You probably have a heater core leaking.

What could cause smoke coming from the Radiator Fan?

If the smoke is coming from the electric fan itself, then it needs replacing. It could be the smoke is steam that the fan is drawing from the radiator, and you have a coolant leak at the radiator.

When my car gets hot there is white smoke coming from radiator?

That smoke is steam. You have a leak in the radiator or a hose. Take it to a mechanic.

Is smoke coming from ac vents plugged evaporator drain?

Nope, that would be steam.

Cracked head gasket symptoms?

Steam (White Smoke) coming from the tailpipe is the #1 indicator.

When is the date Robbeca Steam Monster high doll is coming out in Australia?

August along with Venus Mcflytrap

When are the Monster High 2012 dolls coming out?

They already have :)! Its Rochelle Goyle, Robbeca Steam and Venus McFlytrap