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What's unhealthy for anyone else is unhealthy for a truck driver. Our function the same way anyone else's does (although I'm sure most people realise this, questions like this make me feel as if the person asking them isn't particularly mindful of it).

If a truck driver eats a lot of fatty foods, they'd be especially prone to becoming obese. Some drivers do not care.

For drivers who are conscious about saving money, they tend to keep food in the truck, rather than buying all prepared meals. If they have a fridge with a freezer, microwaveable foods (for example, I like the Smart Ones meals and the Jimmy Deans Breakfast Bowls) are always handy. Dry food which you add water to and heat in a microwave (or by other means) are always good to have. The Marie Calendars and Healthy Choice "Fresh Mixers" are, in my opinion, a good option.

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