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Q: What is forward bite in racing?
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What is the name of the movement when you move your lower jaw forward so that your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth?

an under-bite

What is the propulsion of Racing bicycles?

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Platform racing 2?

Platform Racing 2 is awesome. No dought. But im always looking for new hacks or trainer. There are tons of glitches that Jiggmin should of fixed. But its one of the coolest games ive played anyways. Looking forward to Pr3!It's home site is Platform Racing 3 is out on, but it is still only beta. I would recommend platform racing 2 unless your computer is fast because platform racing 3 is laggy for some

What is Sunday bite in orthodontics?

A Sunday bite is when someone with a more pronounced upper jaw juts the chin (lower jaw) forward to make the upper jaw look less pronounced. A "Sunday Bite or Dual Bite" referrs to a lack of proper fit when the upper and lower teeth are closed together. Technically, this is referred to as a "centric slide". A small amount of "slide" is normal.

What is the origin of put your best foot forward?

came from foot racing. It is well known one leg is stronger than the other. To put your 'Best Foot' forward would enable one to start the race faster by putting the strongest foot forward thus enabling one to "get the edge" on others by improving their beginning position.

Do you have to sit a certain way when barrel racing?

In order to be great, yes. As a simple way to put it, you will usually lean forward and stand slightly in the saddle between barrels, but you must sit deep in the saddle while turning the barrels to drive your horse forward and to help with his balance.

Why do AKC Judges pull dogs ears forward when checking dogs?

They pull their ears to check if the ear is just right and also to check if the dogs will bite them or growl

Why do greyhounds wear muzzle when racing?

No, greyhounds wear muzzles while racing because they have very thin skin and the competitive nature of a race may excite a dog and cause it to accidentally injure another dog. Outside of races, some people put muzzles on their greyhounds while they're playing with other greyhounds for the same reason -- to prevent accidental injury of their thin skin.

How does Bella react to Jacob imprinting on her daughter?

she gets mad at jacob,and then she jumps forward to bite him when he nicknames renesmee "nessie". but seth jumps in the way and he gets his arm broke! :)

What is handicap racing?

it is racing

What sport is similar to Horse Racing?

Greyhound racing is similar to horse racing as it involves animals racing around a track. Both sports involve betting and require strategy and skill from the participants.