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Q: What is drift down speed?
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How do you drift on need for speed prostreet?

Go to drift mode and just drive like you normally would in grip mode, its not that hard.

Why it is not possible to measure the drift speed for electron by timing their travel along the conductor?

It's difficult to accurately measure drift speed by timing electrons because individual electrons move randomly at high speeds, making it hard to track their motion. Also, electrons in a conductor have different velocities and directions, making it challenging to calculate an average drift speed. The collective drift speed of electrons in a current can be measured indirectly by observing the overall current flow in the conductor.

What is a controlled high speed skid in motor racing called?

A drift

Drift speed in a conductor that carries current?

The Drift Speed is less than the average speed of the electron between two collisions. Electrons move relatively slowly along a wire but very quickly between collisions. The electric field (EMF) that causes the motion moves at the speed of light.

How do you drift by car with 30Mh speed?

You pray really hard and try again

What car to be used in challenging the showdown king in need for speed pro street?

the dodge charger for drag the drift kings r x 7 for drift the corvette or murcielago for speed and the Porsche 911 or Mitsubishi evo x for grip

How do you drift in need for speed carbon?

On PS2,you drift by pressing and holding the R1 button but nut for long,and on PC,you use SPACE.You need to combine the handbrake and the gas.Practice and you will understand it.

What is a speed of drift for a continent sliding over earth's surface?

a few centimeters per year

What theory supports the idea of the continental drift?

the breaking down of pangea

How do you drift a full angle needforspeed most wanted?

To drift a full angle Need For Speed Most Wanted requires use of the handbrake. Tapping the handbrake and then getting back on the gas throws the back of the car around the corner allowing it to drift.