dirt bikes !
Although skate boards are good, bikes are funner and alot esyer to do jumps and tricks on but long mid boards, like z man and sector 9 are really funn
a go-kart
in wonder the same thing like could i buy a 125cc engine from a dirt bike and put it in a mini sprint
it has to be less that 50cc like A 49CC IS FINE BUT THAT IS IT SAME goes with a dirt bike or fourwheeler and golf kart
because if there is 2 trees close togather, a dirt bike has a better chance of making it in between them than a quad does. A 4wd atv can go more places(easier) than a dirt bike, especially mud/water .
if first on both then four wheeler because less chance of getting hurt and alot easier to ride but if rode dirt bike before then dirt bike because it can go where four wheeler cant
poket bikes are gay. go with the dirt Dirt bike, definitely!
if you want a bike for trails and dirt go for an eastern trail digger or a fit bike
According to my calculations a go cart is not faster than a dirt bike. Ive had my experiences.
A 70cc dirt bike will achieve a top speed of around 40mph
A dirt bike can be able to go up a kids slide
A 111 cc dirt bike will go approximately 40 miles per hour. The exact maximum speed is dependent upon the manufacturer of the dirt bike.
Four Wheeler. Depends on if your talking about Alki kart 'fast street ones' or like a regular go kart for the dirt to play with.