To get in a seat/car in garrys mod you must press your use key next to it (default is E). If you do not know what your use key is go to options and check in keyboard.
You walk up to the driver's side and press "E" or whatever your use button is.
Yes, it is indeed spelled race car.
Mod means modify - which can be done in hundreds of different ways.
There are many places online where you can buy momo steering wheels for your modified race car. These places would include, e-bay, or
You cant mod a car in GTA 4 but you can in vice city stories.
On a car - un starter or un démarreur The meal is - Une entrée On a race - un(e) partant(e) to designate the competitors Un starter to designate the referee shooting the start of the race
race car
race car
When you are installing mods for cars you are asked which car you want to replace.So that means if you replace a car then you will hopefully find the mod where ever that car is there in the game.If you apply some building mod or the mod which activate somehow then you need to either go to that building or do what activates the mod.