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A pit crew is a group of people there to fix a racers car when something goes wrong.

They also fill the car up with gas, change tires and make adjustments during the race.

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Crew Chief, Car Chief, Front tire changer, Front tire carrier, Rear tire changer, Rear tire carrier, Jackman, and Gas man.

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What is a pit crew?

A pit crew is the crew that fixes a race-car if it gets in a wreck or fills up with fuel

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Usually there are as many pit crews in Formula One as the number of teams in the years racing calendar. Last year 2010 we had 12 teams and hence 12 pit crews. Each pit crew has more than 20 odd members and they all cater to the pit stop requirements of the 2 drivers of each team. This year 2011 too it would be the same.

What is the area called where racing cars go in for a pit stop?

* Pit Road * Pit Lane * Pit Stall

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Is a pit crew required?

Yes, in Nascar a pit crew is required. Their main job is changing tires and keeping the tank filled with gas.

When was the first pit crew formed?

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The answer is 7 pit crew members total are allowed over the wall.

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In my opinion, boat racing is more dangerous. There are more auto racing crashes each year, but far more walk away uninjured from auto crashes than boat racing crashes.