string for yasmin by tin tin out
The duration of Tin Cup is 2.25 hours.
tin cup
Tin Cup was created on 1996-08-16.
Tin Cup was released on 08/16/1996.
The Production Budget for Tin Cup was $45,000,000.
Some words that rhyme with Winston include pin, tin, spin, and grin.
Tin Cup grossed $75,854,588 worldwide.
Tin Cup grossed $53,854,588 in the domestic market.
The film Tin Cup by Ron Shelton is a 1996 romantic comedy. The movie Tin Cup stars Kevin Costner, Rene Russo, Cheech Marin and Don Johnson in major roles.
i have the same copy, it is worth 150 on ebay apparently
Kevin Costner stars in a golf movie called Tin Cup.