1.5.9: SCCA PRO RACING DRIVER LICENSE REQUIREMENTS The dumb answer is this is a driver that possesses an SCCA Pro License.
The boring answer is below, copied from the SCCA pro driver general competition rules. scca.com The SCCA Pro Racing Driver License holder is eligible to participate in SCCA Pro Racing races not requiring an FIA International license. Examination Requirements A physical examination is required of each competitor applying for a Pro, in the following manner: - Every five (5) years for those 16-35 years of age - Every two (2) years for those 36-59 years of age - Every year for those 60 years of age and older Note: A physical examination is required annually of each competitor applying for an FIA driver license. Requirements for SCCA Pro Racing Driver License and Renewal: - SCCA Pro Racing Driver License application completed in full. - $350.00 license fee, includes SCCA annual membership. - Current membership in SCCA. - One (1) passport photo. - Driver must have competed in at least three (3) National events, or equivalent, in the past 12 months prior to application, or have a letter of recommendation from another SCCA Pro Racing recognized sanctioning body and a resume of experience. - SCCA Pro Racing licenses are valid for the calendar year, January to December. 2008 PRR 14 Requirements for FlA Driver License and Renewal: - SCCA Pro Racing physical examination form completed in full and dated after October 1st of the previous year.. - FIA Driver License application completed in full. - $200.00 license fee. - Current SCCA Membership. - Three (3) passport photos. - Driver must hold, at the time of applying for an FIA Driver License, an SCCA National Competition license, or SCCA Pro Racing Driver license, and must have successfully completed five (5) National events, or the equivalent, in the 12 months prior to application. - Driver must hold a senior grade license (National Competition, or Pro Driver License, at the time of applying for an FIA Driver License). Provisional License SCCA Pro Racing may, at its sole discretion, issue a provisional license to drivers that do not meet the printed criteria within these rules. The suitability of a driver to be issued a provisional license is determined on a case-by-case basis.
You don't have to race in SCCA, most drivers got their starts at local racing tracks.
start in the scca licenses
SCCA-Ljubljana was created in 1993.
SCCA Hall of Fame was created in 2004.
1) Lead driver for auto racing team Volo Motorsports - runs in the F1000 Pro Series, former 2nd place champion in SCCA Championship Runoffs for D-sports racing; 2) An artist from Tasmania who paint stuff on walls;
There are many, most people start with their SCCA licenses though. www.scca.com for more info.
Good question! Perhaps there could be if SCCA members and fans press for it. SCCA is, after all, the largest road racing sanctioning body in the western hemisphere and the sanctioning body for the US Grand Prix - when there is one. WIKIANSWERS - ARE YOU LISTENING?
SCCA was established in 1944 and their aim is to bring motorsports to the masses of American men and women who are passionate about automobiles, speed and competition.
An unsuccessful pro driver can make as little as 17,000 dollars. A successful driver can make 87,000 including promotions and endorsement deals.
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If you encounter an issue with an unsupported video driver in Premiere Pro, you should update your video driver to a supported version. This can usually be done by visiting the website of your graphics card manufacturer and downloading the latest driver for your specific model. Updating the driver should resolve the compatibility issue and allow you to use Premiere Pro without any problems.
353 the scca