

What is Motor Coordination?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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8y ago

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Neuromuscular Coordination, according to my PE teacher, is the harmonius functioning of muscles or groups of muscles in the execution of movement. In other words making actions look easy and smooth, like if you are doing push ups and the first two are easy and you can make it look easy, but the next 10 or 220 your arms start shaking, that means that your Neuromuscular Coordination is becoming weak. I have to do a project on this topic it is really hard to do and I have to come up with a test to test someones neuromuscular coordination, if you have any ideas on how to help please let me know! Have someone do improvisation with an instrument over 12 bar blues. Theres no better example of neuromuscular coordination than what comes out of playing music. Its perfect smooth rhythmic sound organization.

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a mixture of UN balanced in our brain that causes bipolar disorder.

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Engine coordination is the mix of body developments made with the kinematic and dynamic parameters that outcome in proposed activities.

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I'm not sure what nuclei would do that. If you mean cellular nuclei then it would be the nuclei in the soma on the motor neuron. But, if you are asking about motor coordination, that is controlled by a part of the brain called the cerebellum.