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it probably means "Mach"

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Q: What does the M stand for on Speed Racers car?
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Does Speed Racer have an m on his shirt?

yes because his car have an m!

A stopped car has a speed of?

A stopped car has a speed of 0 m/s because it is not moving. Speed is the rate at which an object changes its position, so if the car is not changing its position, its speed is 0.

A car has a steady speed of far does the car travel in 8s?

A car with a constant speed of 8 m/s will travel 8m in 8s.

What does 70 SL on M in B stand for?

70 Speed Limit on Motorways in Britain

What do the e m and c stand for in e equals mc2?

E stands to Energy M stands for Mass C is the Speed of Light.It means the speed of light (in vacuum).

Define constant speed?

I got this out of my text book Glencoe Science Texas Science If you are riding in a car with the cruise control on, the speed doesn't change. In other words, the car moves at a constant speed. If you are running at a constant speed of 5 m/s, you run 5 m each second. Whether you give you speed for the first 5 m you run or the last 5 m, you cover each 5-m interval in 1 s. When you are traveling at a constant speed, the speed at any instant of time is the same.

What is the average speed of a car if it travels 2km in 100s?

The average speed of the car is 20 m/s. This is calculated by dividing the distance travelled (2 km = 2000 m) by the time taken (100 s).

A 1600 kg car is traveling at a speed of 12.5 ms.What is the kinetic energy of the car?

The kinetic energy of the car can be calculated using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the car (1600 kg) and v is the speed (12.5 m/s). Plugging in these values, the kinetic energy of the car is: KE = 0.5 * 1600 kg * (12.5 m/s)^2 = 125000 J.

If the speed of a car traveling south is increasing 5 ms it and its acceleration is?

If the speed of a car traveling south is increasing at 5 m/s, then its acceleration is 5 m/sĀ². This acceleration indicates the rate at which the car's velocity is changing per unit time.

How much work must be done on a 1 000-kg car to increase its speed from 1 m s to 2 m s?

Kinetic energy = 1/2 M V2At the lower speed, the car's KE is (500) (1)2 = 500 joulesAt the higher speed, the car's KE is (500) (2)2 = 2,000 joulesThe difference is the energy i.e. the work you have to put into itto raise the speed from 1 m/s to 2 m/s.(2,000 - 500) = 1,500 joules

What is the speed of a car that travels 100 meters in 50 sec?

speed =distance/time speed = 100/50 = 2 m/sec

Car is traveling at a constant speed of 12 m s when the driver accelarates the car reaches a speed of 26 m s in 6 s what is the average accelaration of the car?

The change in velocity is 26 m/s - 12 m/s = 14 m/s. The time taken for this change is 6 seconds. Therefore, the average acceleration is (change in velocity / time) = 14 m/s / 6 s = 2.33 m/s^2.