a winner Its not a quote its a riddle. The answer is "e"
The winner of the 2011 Formula One race in India was Sebastian Vettel.
Varies by race but the 2017 race winner Sato received $2.46 million
ya he lose to juan Camargo in a race
Just because you aren't declared the winner of a game or event doesn't mean you didn't win. As long as you had fun you are a winner. Also when you lose, it gives you and the other person an opportunity to get better. If you try your best and don't get upset when you lose, you will always be a winner. Winners never quit and quitters never win.
The cast of Winner Lose All - 1938 includes: Charles Kemper as himself
The famous race that awards the winner of the race the yellow jersey is the Tour de France. The person with the fastest time to the finish is awarded with the honorable yellow jersey.
The first car race in the U.S. was in 1895. It was a 54 mile race and the first place winner won 2,000 dollars. The first place winner of the race averaged 7.3 miles per hour.
Victory Lane
Lance Makey
Slow Bicycle Race