Boots, Helmet, Gloves, Pants with padding, Jersey, Goggles, Some have started wearing neck braces, Some even wear teeth guards, Muddy tracks you will need tear-offs for your goggles, rocky tracks you will need a chest protector.
1st Helmet
2nd Goggles
3rd Boots
4th Chest an back protectors
5th Pants/knee an shin protection
6th Gloves
and so on, all these pieces of equipment must be of top quality. (safety equipment is "NOT" the time to save money) I also agree with the other answer but a Leatt Neck Protector is very important. :D Your Welcome, SVH899
!st, a Motocross bike, tools for repair, parts for said repairs, a vehicle for transporting, (trailer?) For intimate equipment: (all must be of excellent quality) full face helmet, goggles, tear-off's, jersey's, chest protector, jock-strap/cup, motocross pants, (the kind with knee & shin guards), and the best motocross boots you can get. This will get you started, you will find you will need a few other things that's important to you personally. OH: Bring your NERVE.
Motorcross racing or NFL Feud: Football Hockey Baseball Biking Car Racing Motocross
Motocross, Supercross, Arenacross, Freestyle Motocross, Supermoto
He raced the Supercross series but is not racing the Motocross series for 09.
I assume by the word "was" you mean when was the first motocross race or when was motocross racing started. It started in Europe in the early 1920's, for the U.S. it come into prominence in the early 1960's.
The best place to buy pants suitable for motocross racing in Houston would be a specialized racing supplier such as JM Racing or Houston Motocross. Yakaz Motorcycles also has a wide range of motocross racing apparel including used items and youth sizes.
is James stemart going to race motocross in 2009
The KTM 50 is suitable for Motocross racing, and is deemed one of the more standard types of racing vehicles amongst motocross racers, as it is a lower class racer.
its frickin fun!! :)
to have fun and get better
not at all