Yellow stripes are used on the rear bumpers to signify a rookie driver. Sometimes the yellow stripes are also used for non-rookies but those are drivers who have never ran a race at that specific track. Most often times, there are two separate stripes, but occasionally there are cars that have one single stripe running the direct center of the bumper.
Crease? Do you mean "blood stripe?" The blood stripe which is the red stripe on Marine Corps blue trousers signifies the blood shed by those who fought and died in the Marine Corps.
No. The Tanzanian flag is a black stripe diagonally across it, with two yellow stripes on either side of it. It is green above the stripe and blue below the stripe.
The Tasmanian devil is predominantly black, with a white stripe across its chest.
red flag with a diagonal white stripe
White with a red stripe
A penguin with a sunburn!By the way, this is a joke.
tan wire with white stripe near distributor , driver side.
"Earn your stripes" means to prove yourself or gain experience. "Seeing stripes" refers to experiencing dizziness or disorientation. "The last stripe" signifies a final warning or consequence. "Zebra crossing" is a term used for pedestrian crossings marked with stripes.
There are two cards that are the most expensive based on sales history in 2009; 1991 Collegiate Wild Card Brett Favre Rookie card 1000-stripe and the 1992 NFL Wild Card Brett Favre 1000-Stripe card. 1991 1000-stripe card sold for $2,500 on eBay in the Spring of 2009.
Stripe is a noun (a stripe) and a verb (to stripe).
In ITF Taekwondo a red belt with a black stripe considered 1st geup is the belt received before obtaining the 1st Dan black belt. For other arts I do not know the meaning but for this one "Red signifies danger, warning the student of his own capability for damage and other students of his skill. "
An interrupted stripe is called a "disrupted stripe."