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I don't want to offend you, but without spending any money the speed will (on a stright line black-top road be all you get), on a course with turns, (flat, bumpy,dirt, black-top) it all lands in your lap. it depend on how you enter, how late you brake, roll thru or square-off, how fast your back in the gas. Stright lines means speed, curves or turns scrubs off speed and slows you down, so the later you brake, and the faster your on the gas leaving the turn the longer you make the strights, also to square-off a corner you drive deep, pivot, and apply full throttle out of the corner which gives you a longer stright and a longer time under full throttle. Good-Luck!

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13y ago

put more air in the tires or get a fmf pipe for it that will add like 4-6 hp to it depending on witch 1 u get

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