press all the bottons
The zoom feature is a feature from the mod optifine, the zoom occurs when you press left ctrl.
idk if it is the same on svr 06 and svr 2010 but u press the O button and press all the bottons that says to press on the screne
If you press buttions on the keyeboard. E+P E+T E+M Fiddle around with E and other bottons
yes, you press system then press save.
On Nintendo press ZR
Press the power button.
first press A+B buttons and while it says not licensed by Nintendo press start+select while pressing A+B!!!!!
you press on the game and it pops out
press x to go on menu and then press save
Im not sure if it is R2+L2 or R1+L1. anyway Double or triple press the 4 buttons at the same time. You will get " Just ask me Nicely" Achievement after you done that ! Hope this help !
For the Nintendo WII u press the Z button,On the Nintendo DS i think X but i am not sure.