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my brother is starting up a moyto ross team open to all young and middle aged ridders can u tell me how much we would be looking at bthnx

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Q: What are the costs of running a Motocross Team in the British Championship?
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What are the costs of business known as?

if you are talking about the costs associated with running a business, they are called "operating costs" there are also the costs that are required to get a business running, they are called "startup costs"

What is Running cost?

Running costs in are associated with companies and businesses. The running costs are simply the amount of money needed to make the company "run". Running costs include staff payment, electricity costs and resources etc. Running costs are the cost for day-to-day running of the business

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Yes profit means money that remains after a costs of running a business

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They reduce profit.

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A fourstroke is about 3 times the cost compared to a two stroke.

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sssssssssuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkk dddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccckkkkkkkk

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About 10% less than you'll make. Fixed costs/ Variable costs? Cost of spoiled unsold flowers/

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The British needed to pay the debt from the war. This would cover part of the costs.

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Batch level activity defines the costs that are incurred when a new product batch begins production in a company. Financial managers, who understand the costs of running batches, may choose to manipulate the costs by running longer batches to cut costs. Understanding the costs of batch production also assures more accurate end product pricing.

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A 30-second commercial costs about $1 million.