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Q: What are dirt and grime made up of?
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Related questions

What is mean by grime?

Grime is dirt.

What is a 4 letter word for grime?


How does water help us wash clothes?

The soap is the stuff that breaks down the dirt and grime, the water washes the dirt and grime away with the soap

What is computer grime and how do I get rid of it?

Computer grime is dirt engrained into something. To remove it clean your computer.

What is another word for dirt that starts with gr?


What is a 5 letter word for dirt?

grime filth

What is a 5 letter word for accumulated dirt?

grime filth

What is a synonym for dust?

dirt, grit, grime, powder, particles

What are synonyms for grime?

Dirt soot sweat... I'm all out

How effective is WD-40 Bike Chain Cleaner in removing grime and dirt from a bicycle chain?

WD-40 Bike Chain Cleaner is effective in removing grime and dirt from a bicycle chain.

What is a synonym for dirt?

filth, muck, grime, dust, mud, impurity

What is the meaning of grime?

Foul matter; dirt, rubbed in; sullying blackness, deeply ingrained., To sully or soil deeply; to dirt.