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Q: What 2 types of authority are petty officers granted?
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Could a Seaman First Class be a Gunners mate in World War 2?

Not at the same time. A seaman 1/c could be promoted to a gunner's mate, which is a type of petty officer, or "rating". A seaman 1/c is roughly equivalent to a private in the army, and petty officers are basically the equivalent of a sergeant. There are many different "ratings", or types of petty officers in the navy, depending upon what job they do. A seaman hoping to become a petty officer in any particular field may be called a "striker" for that rating, meaning that's what he is trying to master so as to obtain a promotion, to the next higher level, as a petty officer 3/c.

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Traditional authority,legal authority,and autocratic authority.

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There were two types, civil and military. The civil officers were the elected officials who tended to various duties. The military officers dealt strictly with the military. They were the Centurions, who had many ranks or levels. There were the cavalry commanders, there were the tribunes and the legate. A Roman officer can be defined as any man who had authority.

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If by system you mean society, police & Government are 2 types of authority.

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Some different types of offices include: traditional, mobile, virtual & home.

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Which two types of authority do petty officers possess?

As a petty officer, occasionally you will have towarn, reprimand, or even place personnel on report.Although these tasks may be disagreeable to you, theyare part of the responsibility of a PO.Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, states the following:"Authority should be delegated to the lowest level ofcompetence commensurate with the subordinate'sassigned responsibility and capabilities. The principlesof delegation, however, also recognize that officers at alllevels must be accountable ultimately for theperformance of their organizational segments even ifthey have charged subordinates with immediate authorityfor managing certain functions." That, in effect, meansalthough you may assign a task to your subordinates,you are still responsible to your superiors for itsaccomplishment. A good leader does not tell his or hersupervisor, "I gave that job to Seaman Recruit John R.Doe, but he messed it up." Rather, he says, "I will dobetter next time." That leader then pays more attentionto Seaman Recruit Doe's training and job performanceto be sure John R. Doe understands the job and itsimportance.

What Are 2 Types of moral authority?

Answer Good and Bad