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Q: Was lice racing a common pastime during the civil war?
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What was the most common religion during the English Civil War?

the catholic religion

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What were common names for boys during the civil war?

James, Edmund, Peter, George

What were some of the common themes for songs during the civil era?

Societal and political unrest

What were the southerns called during the civil war?

The common names for them were "the Rebels", the "Rebs" and the "Johnny Rebs".

What were some common slave names during the Civil War era?

Common slave names during the Civil War era included names like Sam, Tom, Lucy, and Sarah. These names were often given by slave owners and were commonly used among enslaved individuals during that time.

Was teen pregnancy common during the us during the civil war?

People got married in their teens back then so yes, very.

What did Virginia Arkansas North Carolina and Tennessee have in common during the Civil War?

They are all confederate states.

Civil war who the leader of the underground railroad and the nickname?

During the Civil War, the leader of the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman. A common nickname for Harriet Tubman was Moses.

What were the most common names given to the north during the civil war?

the Union, United States, Yankees, North

What would you see during the Civil War?

Slaves working, horse-drawn carriages, antebellum architecture, steam-powered trains, and paddle-wheeled riverboats were common sights during America's first and only Civil War.