No, it is simply the job of being the "guardian" of the building.
You may not need a business license to be a concierge. However, I suggest you check with your city, county and state codes to determine whether or not this service is defined as 'a business' and if so, is a business license required. Optionally, you may save time by consulting with an attorney whose practice is focused upon business.
A hotel Concierge is the trusted contact for guests. He/She is capable to accomplish any need such as restaurant reservations, tickets etc. Best value of experienced Concierge Is their reach network throughout their city/country that can make difficult demands become easy.
form_title=Hire a Personal Concierge Service form_header=Have a service to run important errands and research. How long will you need our services?=_ What services do you need?=_
Yes, "concierge" should be capitalized when it is used as part of a formal job title, such as "Concierge Manager." Otherwise, when used in a general sense to refer to the position or role, it does not need to be capitalized.
Concierges is the plural of concierge
Janitor (cleaning) Concierge (Hotel)
Yes, you need a business license to open any sort of business.
You do not need a license.
you do not need a license to purches a ham radio. you also can listen to chatter without a license. but if you want to talk you need a license.
Concierge in Tagalog is "tagapag-alaga" or "tagasagip."
You don't need a license to buy a car, but you need a license to drive a car on a public highway.