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On all motorcycles about 80%, yes 80 percent of the stopping "power" is the front brake,the only thing watch out not to slide the front tire in lose debries.

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Q: On a motocross bike the front brake supplies how much of the stopping power?
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On a Motocross bike the front brake supplies how much of the potential stopping power?

between 60 - 75%. Depends on how much weight is biased toward the front wheel and how much brake pressure is applied.

On a motorcross bike the FRONT brake supplies how much of the potential stopping power?

65% - 75%

How much potential stopping power does the front brake supply on a motocross bike?

65 to 70 % depending on the type of pad material (late models only) Frt brakes are for stopping, rear brakes are for slowing.

A)Which is the most effective stopping brake, front or rear?

The most effective brake is the front brake.

Which is the most effective stopping brake, front or rear?


When coming to a normal stop you should use?

When stopping you should always use both your front and rear brakes. Aproximately 70 percent of the stopping power is in the front brake, and 30 percent in the rear.

What is the method of stopping safely with inline skates?

raise the toes of the front foot and push down on the heel brake

If the front end of your car shakes enough to rattle the steering wheel when stopping What could the problem be?


Why Vibration on brake pedals while stopping?

More than likely a front or rear brake rotor is out of round. Depending on what model and year vehicle it could be a brake drum out of round also.

Why do you need front brakes?

The front brakes on any vehicle do most of the stopping. When you apply the brakes the weight shifts to the front of the vehicle. For this reason the front brakes are needed more than the rear. Try stopping a vehicle with just the hand brake which applies only the rear brakes.

What is the correct method of stopping safely with inline skating?

raise the toes of the front foot and push down on the heel brake

How dangerous is it to ride a motorcycle with no front brakes?

If you are going over 10 mph it can start to get very dangerous because most of the stopping force applied to a motorcycle is from the front brake (estimated 70%). The back brake can lock up easily.