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If its in the upper end (head/cylinder) it could be piston slap, it needs to be replaced, if its in the lower end (transmission), you need to pull apart before you BLOW-IT-APART. My recommendation is to find the problem and fix it before you ride or start it again, you can ruin your motor. Good-Luck!

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Q: My dirt bike is making a clinking noise what is it?
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What was the first Dirt Bike ever made?

the first dirt-bike ever made was a honda. There were bike manufatures in Europe that were making dirt type bikes before Honda was even a company.

Why are dirt bike tracks being shutdown?

Mainly because of noise pollution and unhappy residents.

Can you ride dirt bikes in the neighborhood?

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When did Yamaha start making the WR 250 dirt bike?

because it did

Where do you get a Dirt bike license?

you do not have to have a dirt bike liscense dumbazz

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because if there is 2 trees close togather, a dirt bike has a better chance of making it in between them than a quad does. A 4wd atv can go more places(easier) than a dirt bike, especially mud/water .

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There is not a single dirt bike sportsman who is credited for inventing dirt bike tricks. A lot of dirt bike riding is freestyle.

Can you ride a 70cc dirt bike on the street?

No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.

What is a dirt bike mlade of?

It's made out of dirt obviously hence the name dirt bike.

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depends if you are wearing the protection for a dirt bike that is needed