No, he is not gay...and neither is Ricky Martin.
Actually Ricky Martin is gay.
Kasey Kahne's birth name is Kasey Kenneth Kahne.
Kasey (KAY-SEE) Kahne (CANE).
No. Kasey Kahne is not married and does not have any children.
Kasey Kahne goes by Kase.
Kasey Kahne was born on April 10, 1980.
Kasey Kahne was born on April 10, 1980.
Kasey Kahne is awesome.
As of July 2014, Kasey Kahne is single. Kasey Kahne is a NASCAR driver for Hendrick Sports. He currently drives the number 5 car.
Kasey Kahne was born April 10, 1980 in Enumclaw Washington.
No. NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne is alive and races on a weekly basis.
No, he is not.
Kasey Kahne has never won a Nascar championship.