It can depend on many things and it is different from state to state. Usually it has to do with the size of the engine - the safety equipment - the lights and warning devices - the fenders - the tires - etc - etc. Contact your local DMV office for particulars for your state.
No. That's a motorcycle. Motorcycle are to be ridden with the cars.
They are excelent bikes, fun, easy to ride and good for teenagers.
No, unless it is a street legal registered dirt bike.
No it is not legal to ride a mini dirt bike on sidewalks in New Jersey. In some states it is legal to ride mini dirt bikes on sidewalks.
a 125cc motorbike
Yes, that is a good size bike to learn on. If the bike is street legal you will need a motorcycle license.
No along if it's a min one if it higher then 125cc with u need one
it depends on how tall you are if your somewhere between 5.3 and 5.5 you should get a 125cc but I can ride a 125cc and im only 5.1 it just depends on how good of a rider you are.if you between 5.6 and 5.10 you should get a 150cc dirtbike.If your 5.11 or taller you can ride any dirt bike you want.
The tohmaston dam
Dirt bikes are not legal to ride on the road anywhere, unless you have a dual sport kit on your bike with a tag.