Yes he did
Pattie Boyd never had any children.
Duane Lee Chapman Jr is 37 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1973).
Duane Lee Mother is Lafonda Sue Honeycutt
No! He has a son from his previous marriage.
Yes, they live together in Hawaii and raise his son.
Duane is of Irish origin and therefore has no equivalent in Arabic. The name Duane would be written in Arabic as Dwan (دوان). There is no masculine name in Arabic that has a similar derivation as Duane (son of the dark one), but a similar sounding name is Addin (الدين), which means "the religion".
Duane Johnson, son of Rocky Johnson and grandson to Peter Maivia
Duane and his ex-wife, Teresa, were raising four children. Teresa's three children from a previous relationship - Jodi; Jasmine and Jennifer, twins; and Duane Lee had one son Dylan from a previous relation who is now living with Duane in Hawai.
his name was Ray in the movie
He has a daughter Kim and a son Duane.
She gets her last name from her husband John H. Boyd II. Her father in Law is John H. Boyd Sr. he is the pastor of New Greater Bethel Ministries in Jamaica Queens, NY. Her eldest son is John Boyd III and she has a set of twins Joshua and Janel Boyd.