It would do no harm. However, you should take care to not breathe in the talc, since that has been shown to cause irritation in the lungs. That is why they do not use it anymore after a haircut to help remove the cuttings off of your neck.
Johnson and Johnson has a really good record when it comes to selling products that people love. The company is known for its gentle products that babies can use, such as powder and baby oil.
I would use the face powder that is made by the brand called Coty.
Baby powder has chemicals in it why would you eat that!! It can't be good for you cause it is not meant to be eaten.
No, All the baby powders does not cause acne. There are baby powders which is no way suitable for baby skin's and harse on them. so choose the right powder for your baby. see to that whether its mild enough. Johnson is the best company among others.
depends wat u use it for...
baby powder vasaline and air
it acn be, but I'm 13 and i use it as a face powder, i have moderate acne and slight scarring, i find when i use baby powder my skin looks flawless and refreshed! i get so many compliments, if you have a huge zit of scar on a certain area just apply a bit more baby powder to that area and blend it out! I find that since i use one with aloe vera and vitamin e it helps clear scarring well! GOOD LUCK!
no that lotion isn't good for the face of a baby.
Here is a good prank that played on my sister. What you do is take baby powder and you put it in someone's blow-dryer. When they turn it on, they will get a head full of powder. It is a great laugh. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From eboney466
The only options you have after inhaling baby powder is to blow your nose several time (not too hard) because the hairs inside the nose are there to catch particles. You can also sip warm water and spit it out if you feel you got some of the baby powder in your mouth. Baby Powder has been questioned as not being safe for babies and another good alternative is simple baking soda.
no she wount but it isn't good for her read the side of the container
Slang for someone who looks way younger than they are.