I think yu should go for a 250cc but it all depends on wat u wanna do. Cruzers r gonna want it bigger and mx and jumping will be smaller
dude a KX90 should be good
You Should get the Diamondback Overdrive
A bike typically weighs around 20 to 30 pounds. It is unlikely for a bike to weigh 30 ounces as that would be very light.
About 26 pounds.
as light as possable
62-80 pounds
A dirt bike can range from 100-300 pounds. It all depends on the size of the engine, the large 530cc bikes will weigh the most while the small 50cc bike will weigh the least.
A 90cc are 125cc 4stroke
40lbs is a lot...my old bike was about 35lbs and for me that was pushing it. There's no exact answer though...whatever you feel comfortable with when your riding...everyone is different. I'm in the process of buying a flatland bike that's 25lbs.
The 2010 Fezzari Catania weighs in at 19.7 pounds.
A bike would be closer to 20 pounds. 20 ounces is the approximate wait of a 20oz bottle of soda. A bike ways much more than a bottle of soda.
25.75 pounds