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Place a support under the rear swingarm. Remove the right rear wheel and tire assembly. Then remove the dust cover from the end of the axle. This will exposes the end of the axle, with a castle nut and cotter pin. Push the cotter pin out of the castle nut. Remove the nut from the end of the axle. After removing the nut, gently tap on the rear of the spindle, until it slides off of the axle. Then remove the three bolts securing the chain guard to the sprocket. To loosen the chain, you will either have to remove the master link, or adjust it to a looser setting. Remove the chain after loosening it. Three more bolts hold the sprocket in place on the hub assembly. Remove them, and slide it off of the axle.

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Q: How to Changing rear sprocket on polaris 400 xplorer?
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The rear bike sprocket is a gear that helps transfer power from the pedals to the rear wheel. It allows the rider to adjust the resistance and speed of the bike by changing gears. The size of the sprocket affects the bike's speed and ability to climb hills. Overall, the rear sprocket plays a crucial role in the performance and efficiency of a bicycle.

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It depends on whether you are talking about the front sprocket (the one at the pedals, called a chainring) or the sprocket at the rear derailleur. The lowest gear at the front is the smallest sprocket/chainring. The lowest gear at the rear is the largest sprocket. So if you combine the smallest sprocket at the front with the largest sprocket in the rear you have the lowest gear available on your bike.

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well if you have a 8 tooth rear driver you will need a 23t sprocket, if u have a 9 tooth rear driver you will need a 25t sprocket, if u have a 10 tooth rear driver you will need a 28t sprocket, and if you have a 11 tooth rear driver you will need a 30t sprocket

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depends if the sprocket is bigger or smaller than a stock sprocket.

What size sprocket is on the rear of a suzuki bandit 1200s?

The chain is size 530, and the stock gearing is 15/45, meaning that the front sprocket has 15 teeth and the rear sprocket has 45 teeth.

Rear sprocket size for a Yamaha yz250?

They came stock with a 49T or 48T rear sprocket you can choose a replacement with either a 48T, 49T, 50T, or 51T, if you have the old sprocket count the teeth on the sprocket and that tells if it is a 48T, 49T or whatever (48T = 48 teeth)

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It uses a 47 tooth sprocket.

Does a bigger sprocket give higher top speed?

A bigger front sprocket gives a higher top speed. A bigger rear sprocket gives a lower top speed. A bigger front sprocket is less torque more top speed, and a bigger rear sprocket is more torque less top speed.

What effect will changing my rear sprocket from 45 teeth to 43 and leaving the front at 15 on my 1994 cbr600fr?

a little higher speed , but also a little slower on take off.

How do you take a 250 kawasaki Mojave sprocket off?

first. take the left side rear wheel off. then remove the 4 bolts that hold the sprocket to the sprocket holder. then remove sprocket