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You must be at least 17 years of age to drive a road legal quad bike on British roads, but only if the quad bikes weight limit does not exceed 3.5 tonnes.
Any age if your on private property

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7y ago
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16y ago

There are no age requirements to ride a Motocross bike, make sure that the child is old enough to be able to handle the machine physically. Also remember to give proper training and guidance before your child starts operating the bike on his/her own. Since some bikes can run up to 75 mph or so, preliminary precautions should always be taken before letting kids ride them, especially for younger kids. Helmets should be made mandatory and younger children should not be allowed to ride unsupervised.

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11y ago

Depending on where you live but most Canadian and American (provinces and states) alow you to legally ride a motocross bike at the age of 76.
No matter how old or how young you can still enjoy riding. it is very fun i should know 'cas i ride

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12y ago

It says on my 50cc dirt bike '' not to be used under the age of 14'' .

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17y ago

In every state that I know of, the same as t drive a car, if you are referring to a street legal motorcycle. If you are talking about a bicycle, there is no age requirement.

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Q: How old do you have to be to ride a dirt bike in UK?
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You can be any age to buy a mini dirt bike in the UK wether your 6 or 16 you can buy one but you are not allowed to ride one on the road at any age in the UK you would have to take the mini dirt bike to a dirt track and you can book weekly sessions with them so you can go like 3 times a week if you wanted to. So you are allowed to buy a mini dfirt bike at any age you just can't ride it on the road. i hope that's a help.

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yes if its a public field if its private then u must get permission

What is the legal age to ride a dirt bike in the UK?

In the UK, to ride a dirt bike on public roads or off-road, you must be at least 16 years old and hold a valid provisional driving license. Riders under 16 can use private land with the landowner's permission or ride at an approved practice track.

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In the UK - 49cc or less.

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you have to be 16 qwith a cbt (compulsive basic training) certificate to ride legally in the UK on a 49 cc scooter or bike

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In the UK, you must be at least 14 years old to ride an electric bike on public roads. Riders under 14 can only ride on private land with the landowner's permission.

How old do you have to be to ride a bike?

It depends where you ride it ! In the UK, you need to be at least 16 to ride one on public roads - and even then, you need to display 'L' plates until you pass your CBT test. If you're on private property - there's no minimum age limit.

Are electric dirt bikes legal to ride on the pavement in the UK?

yes, very much legal...

How old do you have to be to drive a 125cc motorcycle in Cornwall?

The legal age in the UK (Cornwall) for riding a 50cc moped is 16, riding a 125cc is 17, however at 17 you can take your full bike license, and ride a more powerful bike but it must be restricted.

Is there a limit to what size quad you can ride on a full UK driving licence?

Yes, there is a limit to the size of quad bike that you can ride on a full UK driving licence. If you passed your car driving test on or after January 19, 2013, you can ride a quad bike with an engine size up to 50cc. If you passed your driving test before this date, you can ride a quad bike with an engine size up to 125cc. It's important to note that these restrictions do not apply if you have a motorcycle licence.

Can you ride a quad bike on car license in the UK I have a full UK driving license?

You can operate a quad bike with a category B or B1 licence.