No matter how old you are, there is virtually nowhere you are permitted to drive a Kart on the streets.
yes. i race gokarts
Information about Honda GoKarts available in the following websites: Gokarts USA, eBay, Kaxamotos and some videos about Honda GoKarts are available on youtube.
The Voodoo Race Kart can be governed down to about 25mph or Tuned to reach speeds of over 50mph. Additional performance options can increase maximum speed considerably. Race Gokarts are designed for use on a Track and are not street legal
it has fore weles
Yes, I do know that there are jobs for 15 year olds at Garden Golf and Gokarts, Village tAVERN And i am still lokking well of course mcdonalds Yes, I do know that there are jobs for 15 year olds at Garden Golf and Gokarts, Village tAVERN And i am still lokking well of course mcdonalds
who have to be at least 18 to 19 years old
Can you be 12 to race
4 years old you can race motox. (50cc class)
As old as Cane
Yes they make nitrous systems R.C. Planes and trucks also gokarts.
Probably as old as the Human race.